Sunday 21 August 2022

Getting Liposuction Vaser in Los Angeles

It is fair to say that at this stage in the evolution of cosmetic surgery, all of us are familiar with traditional liposuction, from what it is to what it does to exactly how it is performed. The thing that you might not realize, however, is that the image of liposuction that you currently have in your head is most likely not the kind of liposuction that most people choose to have today. Rather than ‘old school’ lipo, Vaser lipo is now the leading method for this particular treatment, and it has completely revolutionized the industry. Want to know more? Keep reading for a guide to liposuction vaser in Los Angeles!

How Does Vaser Work?

Just like the other forms of lipo, Vaser works to break down stubborn fat tissue in your body in order for it to be removed. This is done by making a number of very small incisions in the targeted areas, breaking up the fat, and then suctioning it out of the body. What makes vaser more advanced is the fact that it uses ultrasound technology to break up the fat before it starts being removed. This makes it much easier and less traumatic for the fat to be taken away.

What Happens During The Treatment?

Vaser lipo is performed with the patient under general anesthesia, meaning that you will be asleep while the procedure is taking place. This is administered via a saline drip. Small incisions are made and then the ultrasound devices are inserted into them. Once the ultrasound has dislodged the fat, a cannula is inserted to physically suction it from the body. Something interesting is that any leftover anesthesia will be absorbed by the body over the next few days in order to help you control recovery pain levels.

Where Can You Get Vaser?

Vaser lipo is something that you can have performed on most parts of your body. The most common areas where vaser is effective include hips, arms, thighs, neck, chin, upper back, buttocks, abdomen, and chest. Ultimately, it will always be up to your surgeon to decide whether or not there is enough excess fat to be removed in any suggested area.

Benefits Of Vaser
One of the key benefits of vaser over traditional lipo is the fact that you can achieve more defined results. Vaser is able to address and remove the more stubborn areas of fat that you otherwise might not have been able to get rid of, and the more precise nature of the procedure also means that you will experience a shorter recovery period.

So, if liposuction vaser in Los Angeles is something that you would like to learn more about, then the best thing to do is to look through the Venice Beach Surgical Center website for all of the information you could possibly need. Dr. Rojas and his talented team of medical professionals are vastly experienced in this type of lipo, and they are ready and waiting to welcome you to the clinic to start your journey to a newer, tighter, fitter body!

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