Sunday 21 August 2022

The Criteria To Check When Looking For A Cosmetic Surgeon In Venice Beach

If you have made the decision to change that one thing you have always hated about yourself, then the next step is finding the perfect cosmetic surgeon who is going to be able to complete the job for you! In Los Angeles, there are more cosmetic surgeons than pretty much anywhere else in the world, and though you are spoiled for choice, the downside of having so many different clinics to browse is being overwhelmed by the choices that you have to make. It’s important you choose the right surgeon, one you trust and are comfortable with.  To help you out on that front, here are some of the main criteria to check when looking for a cosmetic surgeon in Venice Beach.

Check That They Are Board Certified

The absolute first thing that you should be doing is checking that your prospective surgeon has all of the relevant certifications and qualifications. Unfortunately, the government does not require every surgeon to be certified and trained in every different aspect of individual procedures, which makes it very important to find out whether the one you have in mind is experienced in the specific treatment that you want.

Don’t Be Afraid To Enquire About Experience

It is true that every cosmetic surgeon needs to start somewhere, but at the same time, you never want to be the first patient to go under the knife with them! You are well within your rights to enquire about the levels of experience any surgeon has with a specific procedure. If they don’t appear to have performed the treatment as many times as you would be comfortable with, then that is a sign that you should be looking elsewhere. Trust your gut, it is your body after all!

Browse Before And After Photographs

A great way to get an idea of the quality of the results a certain surgeon achieves is by going to their website and looking at the before and after photos of the various procedures that they offer. Having visual evidence of whether or not that is a talented surgeon can be an easy way to put your mind at ease. If you can find photos of the exact procedure that you yourself are interested in, then you will have a direct comparison of what you can expect to receive yourself. Of course, identical results cannot always be guaranteed due to a number of different factors, but on the whole, if you can see a body of work that looks perfect, then you can expect to get perfect results for yourself as well.

If you want to cut out all of the checking criteria and go straight to a cosmetic surgeon in Venice Beach that you know is going to provide an excellent service, then look no further than the Venice Beach Surgical Center. Dr. Rojas and his professional, experienced team are ready and waiting to welcome you for a consultation appointment. We look forward to being able to transform your life in both a physical and emotional sense.

Get A Bikini Body Thanks to The Best Liposuction Doctors in Los Angeles

Are you the kind of person who always seems to be behind schedule when it comes to tightening up your body ready for bikini season every summer? If that sounds familiar, then we think that you might be the perfect candidate for liposuction. After all, you don’t have to put in extra effort to get beach ready if your body has been in that kind of shape all year! Of course, plenty of good quality exercise is a surgery-free way to ensure that your swimsuit fits in all of the right places, but if lipo is something that you are interested in, why not take the plunge? Here is some essential information about liposuction for a bikini body, from the best liposuction doctors in Los Angeles.

How Can Liposuction Help?

In essence, liposuction is a treatment that targets those stubborn areas of fat that don’t seem to be responding to other means such as diet and exercise. Precise techniques are used to liquefy the fat that you want to be removed, and then small cannulas are used to get rid of it via suction. This fat can then be used for something known as a fat transfer which puts that mass in another part of your body such as your buttocks. This can help to create even more of a beach bikini body via contouring compared to simply making certain areas slimmer.

What Other Treatments Are Available?

If you are pleased with your liposuction but still want to go even further in your ambitions to obtain that perfect bikini body, then there are plenty of supplementary treatments that go with it perfectly. There are dermal fillers that can be injected in order to match your face with your newly tightening and slimmed body, and even something called miradry which is a treatment to help you deal with excessive sweating. If you are a profuse sweater, then this can be a really confidence-restoring procedure to undergo to stop you from feeling embarrassed at the pool or on the beach.

Make Healthy Life Choices
The important thing to keep in mind with liposuction is that it isn’t a free pass to go on and live a life full of junk food. Just because a certain amount of fat has been removed via surgery, that doesn’t mean that it can’t grow back in exactly the same spots again over time. The best way to look at it is that lipo can be pressing the reset button on your lifestyle, and then it is up to you to make sure that you maintain your new body in the recommended ways.

So, if you would like to make an appointment with the best liposuction doctors in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. Dr. Rojas and his experienced team of professionals are the best in the business, and they can’t wait to welcome you to the clinic for the life-changing procedure of your choice!

What You Need To Know About Lip Augmentation In Los Angeles

Over the last five to ten years or so, there is absolutely no doubt that one of the most common and popular forms of cosmetic surgery has been lip augmentation. Thanks to the likes of Kylie Jenner and Angelina Jolie, the trend for desiring full, luscious lips is bigger now than it has ever been before, and if you aren’t blessed with larger lips naturally then an easy thing to do is opt for lip augmentation in the form of temporary dermal fillers. If you have been considering the procedure for some time and need a little bit more information before taking the plunge, then here is what you need to know about lip augmentation in Los Angeles.

What Is Lip Augmentation Good For?

The main aim of lip augmentation is to provide plumping and volume for people who have naturally thin lips. It can also be a great treatment for those who once did have fuller lips but have lost some natural volume as a result of the aging process.

If you have a number of thin lines and wrinkles around your lips, then dermal fillers can also be used to smooth those lines out which results in a positive anti-aging effect.

What Are The Benefits Of Lip Augmentation?

As we have already discussed, anti-aging and adding pleasant fullness are the two main benefits of a standard lip augmentation treatment. Aside from the physical differences that can be achieved, there is no doubt that simple lip augmentation can have a massive positive impact on things like your self-confidence and body image. Higher self-esteem generally leads to people making better, more interesting, and more exciting life decisions, so you can think of lip augmentation as an investment in your future prospects.

Rumors To Disregard About Lip Augmentation
Thanks to TV shows like Botched, you have probably seen and heard about a lot of drama when it comes to lip augmentation and other cosmetic procedures that haven’t worked out. The main thing to remember is that these incidents are incredibly rare, especially for something as simple as dermal fillers.

You might have heard that results never look natural, but after the initial amounts of swelling and bruising have gone down, a good dermal treatment won’t be noticeable to the naked eye. Similarly, there is also a rumor that your ‘real’ lips will start to sag over time if you have them treated too often. This isn’t true at all. Your lips are one of the most resilient parts of your body and they always bounce back very easily.

So, if you want to explore your own options for lip augmentation in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to visit the Venice Beach Surgical Center for all of the information that you need. You’ll also find an online booking form. Dr. Rojas and his experienced team of cosmetic professionals are ready and waiting to welcome you to the clinic. They look forward to giving you the lips you have always dreamed of in a friendly and reassuring environment.

How Affordable Is Lipo Hd in Los Angeles

There are many people all over the world who like the idea of undergoing cosmetic surgery in order to fix or alter that one problematic thing about their body that has always bothered them, but the sad truth is that most of them never investigate it because they automatically assume it is going to be too expensive. While there are definitely a handful of major procedures that can indeed be described as truly expensive, in this modern age of cosmetic surgery you might be surprised to find out that most of the ‘common’ treatments are affordable. Lipo HD is one such procedure that you could save up for and undergo without having to completely break the bank. Here are some facts about just how affordable lipo HD in Los Angeles is these days.

The Average Cost Of HD Lipo

The first thing that you will all want to know is how much HD lipo actually is. On average, this kind of procedure will usually cost around $6,500. This can be higher or lower depending on the level of treatment that you need and which parts of the body you want to be treated but understanding that figure as a baseline for how much you might need to save is a good way to start the process.

Different Factors Can Contribute To Cost

There are a handful of different factors that can contribute to the level of the cost you are going to be paying for your HD lipo. These include the state and city where you are getting the procedure, the amount of fat that you want to be removed, and where on your body that fat happens to be. Of course, the surgeon you select will also be a factor in the cost, but just remember that the most expensive doesn’t always mean the best! It’s all about finding a cosmetic surgeon who you connect with and feel comfortable with.

How To Pay For HD Lipo

You know your finances better than anybody else so you will be aware of whether or not a certain price is within your sensible budget or not. The thing to remember is that you don’t always have to pay the full amount for a procedure up front. It if would make you more comfortable, there are a variety of options to pay in installments or take out a bank loan in order to cover the cost more easily. It is also worth noting that many surgeons also offer a discount if you are able to pay upfront at the first opportunity, so if you can do this then it can be financially beneficial.

So, if you would like to further explore your options for lipo HD in Los Angeles, make sure to book a consultation appointment with the best in the business at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. Dr. Rojas and his dedicated team of medical professionals are ready and waiting to welcome you and answer any queries that you might have. Look forward to meeting you!

Getting Liposuction Vaser in Los Angeles

It is fair to say that at this stage in the evolution of cosmetic surgery, all of us are familiar with traditional liposuction, from what it is to what it does to exactly how it is performed. The thing that you might not realize, however, is that the image of liposuction that you currently have in your head is most likely not the kind of liposuction that most people choose to have today. Rather than ‘old school’ lipo, Vaser lipo is now the leading method for this particular treatment, and it has completely revolutionized the industry. Want to know more? Keep reading for a guide to liposuction vaser in Los Angeles!

How Does Vaser Work?

Just like the other forms of lipo, Vaser works to break down stubborn fat tissue in your body in order for it to be removed. This is done by making a number of very small incisions in the targeted areas, breaking up the fat, and then suctioning it out of the body. What makes vaser more advanced is the fact that it uses ultrasound technology to break up the fat before it starts being removed. This makes it much easier and less traumatic for the fat to be taken away.

What Happens During The Treatment?

Vaser lipo is performed with the patient under general anesthesia, meaning that you will be asleep while the procedure is taking place. This is administered via a saline drip. Small incisions are made and then the ultrasound devices are inserted into them. Once the ultrasound has dislodged the fat, a cannula is inserted to physically suction it from the body. Something interesting is that any leftover anesthesia will be absorbed by the body over the next few days in order to help you control recovery pain levels.

Where Can You Get Vaser?

Vaser lipo is something that you can have performed on most parts of your body. The most common areas where vaser is effective include hips, arms, thighs, neck, chin, upper back, buttocks, abdomen, and chest. Ultimately, it will always be up to your surgeon to decide whether or not there is enough excess fat to be removed in any suggested area.

Benefits Of Vaser
One of the key benefits of vaser over traditional lipo is the fact that you can achieve more defined results. Vaser is able to address and remove the more stubborn areas of fat that you otherwise might not have been able to get rid of, and the more precise nature of the procedure also means that you will experience a shorter recovery period.

So, if liposuction vaser in Los Angeles is something that you would like to learn more about, then the best thing to do is to look through the Venice Beach Surgical Center website for all of the information you could possibly need. Dr. Rojas and his talented team of medical professionals are vastly experienced in this type of lipo, and they are ready and waiting to welcome you to the clinic to start your journey to a newer, tighter, fitter body!

Positive Reasons for Cosmetic Surgery in Los Angeles

It would be fair to say that on the whole, the term ‘plastic surgery has been something that is often associated with a negative reputation in pop culture and media history. This is largely due to the fact that gossip magazines and media outlets like to focus on the ‘unwise’ decisions made by a small minority of the rich and famous who become the poster figures for the industry. In 2022, this simply isn’t the case or the culture anymore! Forget lips and breasts, the truth is that most cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles is performed for a wide variety of patients for a wide variety of reasons, all of them positive! With this in mind, here are some of the best positive reasons that people opt for cosmetic surgery.

An Increased Feeling Of Self Confidence

No matter how small the one-body issue you have is, you know just how much it can affect a person’s mental health and self-confidence on a daily basis. Any issue becomes exacerbated in your mind, so if you have the opportunity to fix it with a small, simple procedure in your hometown, then why wouldn’t you? Many people make the mistake of thinking that cosmetic surgery patients are vain and attention seeking, but in 99% of the cases, it is simply a way to balance out long-lasting self-confidence issues.

A Much Better Quality Of Life

A person’s quality of life includes everything from their physical health to their mental health, and if undergoing a small (or big!) amount of cosmetic surgery is something that you know will bring you a better quality of life, then you should have no reservations about it whatsoever. If most of your daily stress or worry comes from something that could be fixed by a surgeon, then don’t let those feelings continue when a solution to the problem is so readily available.

You Will Discover New Reserves Of Energy
You would be amazed how a simple aesthetic transformation in a problem area of your body can give you a completely new lease of life. The happier you are as a person, the lighter and freer you will feel overall, and this translates into feelings of much more energy than you will have ever had before. You will be eager to do all of the things you never wanted to before simply because your body looks and feels in better shape! Take a look at some of the many ‘before and after photographs of cosmetic surgery patients that you can find online, the difference in visible energy and happiness is striking.

So, if any of those positive reasons sound like something that you could benefit from, then don’t be afraid to book a consultation for cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles with Dr. Rojas and his team at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. The staff is dedicated to making you feel as comfortable and educated as possible before you make any big cosmetic decisions. They are looking forward to meeting you!

Standard Or Hd Liposuction in Los Angeles?

If you are somebody who has been considering undergoing liposuction, then we are sure that you will have come across one or two terms that you might not completely understand. Something that can confuse a lot of people when researching their options is the fact that there isn’t just one ‘type’ of liposuction treatment like there might have been ten or twenty years ago. In the modern landscape of liposuction in Los Angeles, there are standard lipo, HD, and Vaser Lipo. All methods are common and popular, but many top cosmetic surgeons tend to promote HD over others. With this in mind, here are some of the best reasons why you should opt for HD lipo over standard.

HD Lipo Has A Much Shorter Recovery Time

One of the main differences between standard lipo and HD lipo is that the ‘traditional’ method requires a much longer recovery period after the treatment. Due to the fact that HD lipo is far less invasive than older methods, you will need less downtime, experience less pain, and recover in a much quicker time. This is because the tools used like cannulas are much smaller, making the entire process more precise and producing less trauma for the body.

HD Lipo Offers More Effective Fat Removal

HD lipo uses cutting-edge ultrasound technology, which works to break up your stubborn fat cells prior to removal. This does a far better job at both the top and lower layers of fat in your body, leading to more effective and noticeable results overall. This ability allows for the contouring of muscles underneath the fat, effectively creating abs for you!

No Need For Additional Surgeries with HD Lipo

With normal liposuction, you may find that you are required to undergo some additional procedures. These can include things like loose skin after the procedure. With HD lipo, however, the ultrasound technology aids in the tightening of skin whilst the actual procedure is being performed, therefore lessening the chances that you will need a follow-up treatment later in life.

Reduced Amount Of Trauma with HD Lipo

In past decades, normal liposuction has sometimes come with risks of trauma such as blood loss that can be dangerous if it occurs on too large a scale. With HD lipo, the fat cells are broken down with ultrasound before anything invasive even happens, and this makes the physical removal process a much less aggressive and traumatic experience. It also minimizes the amounts of pain and bruising at the removal sites, leading to a much more fast and more comfortable recovery.

So, if these points have helped you consider HD liposuction in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to make an appointment with the best in the business. That is, of course, Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Center! Make an appointment for a consultation and one of the many dedicated professionals on staff will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have. We look forward to being able to help you.