Monday 27 September 2021

Is General Anesthesia Necessary During Liposuction?

General anesthesia is beneficial for some patients who wish to undergo liposuction to remove their extra belly fat. Whether or not it’s necessary for you will depend on the assessment of our cosmetic surgeon Los Angeles.

When you come to Venice Beach Surgical Center, you will talk to Dr. Augusto Rojas, our cosmetic surgeon who will perform the liposuction.

He will order a series of tests to ensure that you are overall healthy and that you can safely undergo this aesthetic procedure.

Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles Recommends General Anesthesia in this Condition
There are different types of anesthesia. The most ideal one for you will depend on your overall health.

Dr. Rojas will send your health information to our resident anesthesiologist to verify the most ideal anesthesia for your case.

However, if you undergo major liposuction, you may need to receive general anesthesia. In this way, you are fully asleep and you will have no recollection of the experience.

It means that you won’t feel any pain on any part of your body where the surgeon is working on. It guarantees our surgeon that you won’t move on the table so he can work more carefully without him worrying about puncturing your organs.

Then again, general anesthesia will still depend on the case of the patient. In some cases, it’s not necessary.

In your case, you may only need local anesthesia. If Dr. Rojas believes that this is the best anesthetic for you, he will add a numbing agent to the treated area.

It will allow him to perform the procedure without putting you to sleep.

Local anesthesia may be an ideal option as it reduces the risks associated with general anesthesia. When you receive a general analgesic, you are actually in a coma. You’re not just sleeping.

Thus, you are unresponsive and unconscious. That’s why you won’t feel any pain but you may suffer from temporary amnesia.

Unfortunately, death can occur because of general anesthesia. But it’s rare.

In fact, one in every 100,000 die after receiving general anesthesia.

In that case, there’s no need to worry about it if you need general anesthesia for a cosmetic procedure.

No matter what type of anesthetic you need during a cosmetic procedure at Venice Beach Surgical Center, the anesthesia will be administered by our anesthesiologist.
This will ensure that you will get the right amount of anesthetic, thereby, reducing the risks associated with it.

But before you can undergo stomach liposuction, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle first. It means that you have to quit smoking and eat the right nutrients. This will help you recover faster after the procedure.

Dr. Rojas will emphasize to you that if you smoke, you can’t undergo liposuction unless you quit first. You also need to lose some weight first before you can be a good candidate for lipo.

Talk to our cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles today to know what type of anesthesia you can receive and if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Please call: (310)-391-7143.

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