Monday 27 September 2021

Understand These Things First Before Considering Liposuction

Dr. Augusto Rojas is a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles. He has performed hundreds of liposuction every year. He’s also the trusted cosmetic surgeon of many Hollywood A-list stars.

Before recommending liposuction, though, there are things that he wants you to understand so you know better what this procedure is all about. Listed below are some of those things that you should know to clear the myths about liposuction.

Dr. Augusto Rojas Wants You to Know that You Can Still Gain Weight After Lipo
When you undergo stomach liposuction, the extra fat in your belly will be removed. In a way, it will help you lose weight.

However, if you won’t follow a healthy lifestyle, you will gain the weight you have lost after the procedure. This is why you must treat liposuction as an investment. In that case, you need to maintain the results.

In other words, liposuction in your belly won’t stop you from gaining weight. It’s not a magical solution. If you eat unhealthy food and you don’t exercise, you will gain weight.

But your stomach will still be slimmer because fat doesn’t move around.

After liposuction in the stomach, there will be fewer fat cells in that area. But if you gain weight after this procedure, your body will still store fat in those places.

However, because some of the fat cells have been removed, you will have fewer extra fats in that area.

Thus, if you gain weight, other areas of your body will be larger but your stomach will remain slimmer.

Liposuction Won’t Give You Washboard Abs
The reason for this is that 6-pack abs are made in the gym and the kitchen. Liposuction will remove the subcutaneous fat.

But those abs won’t show if you have visceral fat.

Keep in mind that visceral fat can only be removed through proper diet and exercise. In that case, if you have plenty of visceral fat, you won’t get the washboard abs you have been dreaming of after liposuction.

You need to build them through proper training. Dr. Rojas may refer you to a nutritionist and a trainer so you will know the best diet, exercise, and training you need to finally get washboard abs.

Once you hit the gym frequently and follow a healthy diet, you will soon see your well-defined abs. You should train your obliques by hitting the gym.

Loose Skin After Liposuction
It’s a common issue of many patients undergoing liposuction. Loose skin may appear after this procedure.

But it depends on the amount of collagen that your body produces. Keep in mind that the older you are, the less skin elasticity you get.

If that’s a problem, a tummy tuck may be added to the overall procedure. Dr. Augusto Rojas will explain it to you during your initial consultation. To schedule your first appointment with him, please dial this number (310)-391-7143.

What Are The Things To Expect After Getting Botox Injections?

Botox injections must only be administered by a certified cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Augusto Rojas is a certified cosmetic surgeon in Venice Beach who will ensure that the injections will be safe and effective.

Cosmetic Surgeon in Venice Beach Injects Botox to Diminish Your Facial Wrinkles
Facial wrinkles are signs of aging. It’s one reason many A-list stars in Hollywood would get Botox injections to eliminate the wrinkles on their faces.

If they don’t do that, they will look older. And we all know that older stars don’t get many lucrative projects in Hollywood. Many film producers would opt to cast younger actors and actresses.

Of course, you don’t need to be a Hollywood star to take advantage of this procedure. Botox is for everyone who wishes to bring back their youthful look.

It’s the most important cosmetic procedure in the US. In 2016 alone, over 7 million people had Botox.

But what can you expect from the injections?

How Long Will It Take?
If you think that it will take hours to inject Botox, then you’re wrong.

A typical treatment session can be finished in less than 20 minutes. However, it will depend on the areas to be treated.

There’s no need to use numbing agents or anesthesia. The reason for this is that the needle is fine.

Because Dr. Augusto Rojas is a well-experienced cosmetic surgeon who injected Botox into his patients several times a week. In that case, he can easily identify the exact points on your face where you need an injection.

However, if you are nervous about the experience, he can apply a numbing agent.
Is There a Recovery Period?
Botox injection isn’t surgery. In that case, there’s no recovery time for this treatment. Then again, you will feel some soreness and see swelling around the treated sites.

You must not rub or massage that area. If you do, Botox will migrate to other areas, rendering the injections useless.

To remedy the pain, you may take an OTC painkiller or apply a cold compress. Some of our patients here at Venice Beach Surgical Center don’t take any painkillers. They said that the discomfort subsided a few hours after the treatment.

Is It a Permanent Solution?
Botox has never been a permanent solution to get rid of your facial wrinkles. The wrinkles will come back. However, it’s still an excellent way to soften wrinkles. It also slows down the formation of new wrinkles on your face.

You can also choose to undergo other cosmetic procedures, like dermal fillers and facial rejuvenation surgery.

What Other Cosmetic Procedures You Might Need?
It depends on the results you desire. The only way to find out the exact procedures you can safely undergo is to consult with our cosmetic surgeon.

You need an initial consultation so Dr. Rojas can assess your medical condition if you have any. Keep in mind that not all people can undergo cosmetic procedures.

If you wish to talk to our cosmetic surgeon in Venice Beach and know if Botox injections are right for you, please contact us at (310)-391-7143.

Can You Achieve A Flat Stomach With Liposuction?

The best liposuction surgeons in Los Angeles recommend their patients with belly fat to undergo this cosmetic procedure. But one question their patients have in mind is this: “Will I get a flat stomach after?”

Visit the Best Liposuction Surgeons in Los Angeles
When you visit Venice Beach Surgical Center, you will find out whether or not you can achieve the flat stomach that you desire after liposuction.

Keep in mind that the result of this cosmetic procedure may vary from one person to another.

Generally, though, liposuction can reduce your belly fat. It can also help to slim your stomach. The flat stomach result that you can get from this procedure is way better and more noticeable than the waist trainer result.

And if you incorporate proper diet and exercise, your result will get better. That is, you can finally have that 6-pack ab that you desire for so long.

Slimming Down the Stomach
There are areas in your body where extra fat can provide you with an aesthetically pleasing appearance. However, belly fat is frowned upon. Both men and women would do everything to get rid of it.

Fat reduction in that area can be difficult with diet and exercise alone. For that reason, many would opt for liposuction to give them a life-changing result.

In fact, 300,000 liposuction procedures are performed each year in the US.  

Liposuction in the belly area can help in shaping and sculpting your abdomen. Yes, it does give you a flat stomach while it maintains your curves.

However, you can’t get a 6-pack with liposuction alone. You need to exercise regularly to get your abdominal muscles in that area to show up.

Can Liposuction Remove the Two Types of Fat?
The main types of fat are subcutaneous and visceral. The former is the kind of fat suctioned out during the procedure. The latter, on the other hand, is the fat found in your abdominal cavity. It sits next to your organs.

Liposuction can’t tackle visceral fat. You can only reduce it through proper diet and exercise.

Thus, before you undergo liposuction, Dr. Rojas will first assess your body and find out how much subcutaneous and visceral fats you have.

If you have more visceral fat, you need to lose weight to have a flat stomach after liposuction. This type of fat is unhealthy one. In that case, losing it will greatly improve your overall health.
Exercise to Getting 6-Pack Abs
You can slim down your stomach through liposuction. It will be flat after the procedure if you have less visceral fat.

But you can further improve the results and obtain the washboard abs by dieting and exercising. Talk to Dr. Rojas about how to sculpt your abs and get that washboard abs after getting liposuction.

Talk to Dr. Rojas Today
To address your belly fat issues, you should talk to one of the best liposuction surgeons in Los Angeles. Dr. Rojas will recommend the things you can do to get the body that you desire after liposuction. Give us a call here: (310)-391-7143.

Is General Anesthesia Necessary During Liposuction?

General anesthesia is beneficial for some patients who wish to undergo liposuction to remove their extra belly fat. Whether or not it’s necessary for you will depend on the assessment of our cosmetic surgeon Los Angeles.

When you come to Venice Beach Surgical Center, you will talk to Dr. Augusto Rojas, our cosmetic surgeon who will perform the liposuction.

He will order a series of tests to ensure that you are overall healthy and that you can safely undergo this aesthetic procedure.

Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles Recommends General Anesthesia in this Condition
There are different types of anesthesia. The most ideal one for you will depend on your overall health.

Dr. Rojas will send your health information to our resident anesthesiologist to verify the most ideal anesthesia for your case.

However, if you undergo major liposuction, you may need to receive general anesthesia. In this way, you are fully asleep and you will have no recollection of the experience.

It means that you won’t feel any pain on any part of your body where the surgeon is working on. It guarantees our surgeon that you won’t move on the table so he can work more carefully without him worrying about puncturing your organs.

Then again, general anesthesia will still depend on the case of the patient. In some cases, it’s not necessary.

In your case, you may only need local anesthesia. If Dr. Rojas believes that this is the best anesthetic for you, he will add a numbing agent to the treated area.

It will allow him to perform the procedure without putting you to sleep.

Local anesthesia may be an ideal option as it reduces the risks associated with general anesthesia. When you receive a general analgesic, you are actually in a coma. You’re not just sleeping.

Thus, you are unresponsive and unconscious. That’s why you won’t feel any pain but you may suffer from temporary amnesia.

Unfortunately, death can occur because of general anesthesia. But it’s rare.

In fact, one in every 100,000 die after receiving general anesthesia.

In that case, there’s no need to worry about it if you need general anesthesia for a cosmetic procedure.

No matter what type of anesthetic you need during a cosmetic procedure at Venice Beach Surgical Center, the anesthesia will be administered by our anesthesiologist.
This will ensure that you will get the right amount of anesthetic, thereby, reducing the risks associated with it.

But before you can undergo stomach liposuction, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle first. It means that you have to quit smoking and eat the right nutrients. This will help you recover faster after the procedure.

Dr. Rojas will emphasize to you that if you smoke, you can’t undergo liposuction unless you quit first. You also need to lose some weight first before you can be a good candidate for lipo.

Talk to our cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles today to know what type of anesthesia you can receive and if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Please call: (310)-391-7143.

Is Liposuction The Ideal Method To Lose Weight?

The best liposuction doctors in Los Angeles can attest that this cosmetic procedure can help you lose some weight. However, they don’t consider it as an ideal weight loss procedure.

For that reason, before you consider undergoing liposuction, you must talk to a trusted liposuction doctor first.

Consult the Best Liposuction Doctors in Los Angeles
Dr. Augusto Rojas is one of the best liposuction surgeons in LA who doesn’t believe his patients should undergo liposuction as a way to lose weight.

Instead, he encourages them to lose weight through proper diet and exercise.

Liposuction is not a major procedure. In fact, it’s minimally invasive. It means that you can go home after.

If you’re not familiar with how it works, you can ask Dr. Rojas during your first consultation. Essentially, this procedure involves the removal of fat deposits accumulating under the skin.

It uses a cannula, which is a device inserted in the area where fatty deposits are to be removed.

Because the procedure is domestic, it only improves your appearance. It doesn’t treat your health conditions.

Contouring and Shaping Your Body
The main purpose of liposuction is to contour and shape your body. In other words, it gives your body a more desirable appearance.

In that case, it’s not designed to help you lose weight. But you will lose weight because of the fats removed.

Another reason liposuction is not to be considered a weight-loss method is that you can’t undergo this procedure if you’re over 40 pounds of your ideal weight.

If you’re significantly overweight, you need to lose weight first before you can undergo liposuction.

Dr. Rojas will assess your situation before he can recommend this procedure.
Lose Fat in Targeted Areas
Liposuction is done to remove excess fats in targeted areas. That’s why it’s an ideal procedure to sculpt your body.

When you change your diet and eat only the right amount of fat, you can lose weight.

However, even if you lose weight, it won’t change your body shape. Even if you exercise every day, the extra fat may still linger in your stomach or legs.

You can’t lose fat the same way you lose fat with liposuction.

The modern laser liposuction that Dr. Rojas offers won’t only sculpt or shape your body but can also tighten the skin. When you lose fat through liposuction, it will cause some loose skin.

The laser liposuction stimulates the skin to form new collagen. As a result, your skin in the treated area looks tighter and younger-looking.

Will It Cause Negative Effects On Your Health?
Before, doctors thought that liposuction can negatively impact the patient’s health. Thankfully, with further research, doctors found that liposuction offers many health benefits.

According to this research, liposuction can be safe and effective to lose fat with better results as it can help in treating metabolic disorders.

If you have further questions about this cosmetic procedure, you may ask one of the best liposuction doctors in Los Angeles. Call Dr. Rojas’s office at (310)-391-7143 to schedule an appointment.

I Am A Smoker — Can I Have Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation in Los Angeles is the easiest way to enhance your breast size. It also improves its appearance. However, not everyone can be an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Can Smokers Undergo Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles?
Smoking cigarettes is bad for your health. You already know that. What you might not know is that this nasty habit could increase your risk of developing lung problems after breast augmentation.

Lung problems, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, are common in patients who smoke. If you have bronchitis, for instance, the infection can easily spread to recently placed great implants.

When that happens, the infected breast implants must be removed. You also need to wait for a few months for the infection to resolve before the implants are replaced.

Furthermore, smokers cough more than nonsmokers. Unfortunately, the act of coughing can increase the pressure of veins. This will result in bleeding after the procedure.

But that’s not all as coughing after breast augmentation can be painful. It puts you in so much pain. Plus, it can delay your full recovery.


Healing is Slower
Another problem with smokers when they undergo breast augmentation is that the wound resulting in the surgery will heal slower. The reason for this is that nicotine constricts the blood vessels.

As a result, it limits blood flow to the treated area. If the blood flow in the treated area is limited, blood supply is reduced causing a delay for the wound to heal.

For that reason, you must quit smoking first before you can undergo this surgery. Dr. Rojas will recommend you stop this nasty habit for at least three weeks before surgery.

Then, you must not get back to this habit four weeks after the procedure.

Nicotine patches and other products with nicotine aren’t advisable before and after the procedure.

If you tried to quit smoking before but were unsuccessful, you should talk to Dr. Rojas. He can recommend some methods that can make you successfully quit for life.

Smoking doesn’t only put you at risk of developing a lung infection after breast augmentation but it also increases your chances of getting lung cancer.

If you have been smoking for many years, you may develop many diseases that affect your lungs, lips, tongue, mouth, and throat, among others.

The effect of smoking is worse on the heart and blood vessels. After so many years of smoking, your arteries will become narrow and hard. This will result in limited blood supply to the major organs of your body.

Smoking has no positive effects on your body, only negatives. Hence you need to quit now before it’s too late.

If you are planning to undergo breast enhancement with Dr. Rojas, know that you can’t undergo this procedure unless you quit smoking.

It’s one of the guidelines that Dr. Rojas and other cosmetic surgeons must follow to ensure that their patients are safe during and after the procedure.

Consult our cosmetic surgeon about breast augmentation in Los Angeles. It’s especially true if you’re a smoker. Please give us a call here: (310)-391-7143.

Plumping Your Lips With Lip Augmentation: Is It Permanent?

Lip augmentation in Los Angeles is a go-to procedure for women who crave fuller-looking lips. But is it a permanent solution?

Shaping and Plumping Up Your Lips with Lip Augmentation in Los Angeles
There are different methods used to augment the shape of your lips. Lip fillers are some of them.

They involve a series of injections to shape and plump up your lips. Lip fillers are semi-permanent that are done in-office.

But before you can undergo such a cosmetic procedure, you should consult with our lip augmentation expert, Dr. Augusto Rojas at Venice Beach Surgical Center. During your initial consultation with him, he’ll assess your overall facial balance.

He will also take photos of your lips to know their shape and symmetry. From the photos taken, he can analyze what parts of your lips require fillers.

A lip filler augmentation can take less than an hour to complete. It’s a minor procedure that’s quick and you can undergo such over a lunch break.

After injections, you can go home.

Regarding the cost of it, you will know more about it after your first consultation with Dr. Rojas.

He can assess how much your lip augmentation will be like because the cost will depend on how many fillers you need.

The treatment effects can last up to 8 months. That’s why it’s a semi-permanent solution for plumper lips.

More Permanent Option with Lip Implants
If you don’t want to go to Dr. Rojas’s office at Venice Beach Surgical Center after 8 months, you can choose to have lip implants. They offer a more permanent solution.

However, not all patients who crave plumper lips can undergo lip implants. Dr. Rojas will determine whether or not you’re a good candidate for this procedure.

How Painful is Lip Augmentation?
For lip fillers, the overall procedure is relatively quick and painless. But you may feel a piece in every injection.

After every injection, your lips will feel tender. The fillers contain an anesthetic to reduce discomfort during injection.

Dr. Rojas will apply ice to assist with the swelling. You can resume your normal activity after the injection.

Some patients may experience minimal bruising and redness. But there’s nothing to worry about because the discomfort will pass after a few hours.

Pre-Lip Augmentation
Every case is different. Although lip augmentation is safe, you still have to prepare for the procedure.

One of the most important things to remember is to avoid anything that can thin your blood. It means that you must not take any herbal supplements, ibuprofen, or aspirin. They are known to thin blood.

Dr. Rojas will explain to you what you must not do before the lip augmentation procedure.

What’s great about lip augmentation in Los Angeles is that if you’re not happy with the results, Dr. Rojas will just dissolve the filler in a few minutes.

If you wish to know more about lip augmentation in Los Angeles, please schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Rojas at (310) 391-7143.

Know More About Cosmetic Surgery in Venice

Every person has a desire to look beautiful and attractive and for every person, personality matters a lot. If you are possessive about your personality and you don't know that how you can get the things, then you must have to check the details about the available options in the terms of treatment. The medical field is enhanced and multiple options are available for the people to get the best treatment for their bodies. If you are not sure about any kind of treatment for your body then it would be better to make an appointment with a surgeon who can suggest you about the right things for the treatment.

Many people are fond of their body and they want the perfect body. Most of the people are facing difficulties in losing weight, especially when it is fat that is deposited in some parts of the body. Even after trying a lot of exercise and dieting, they are not able to decrease the fat, then in that situation, it would be better to look for the lipo in Los Angeles. Liposuction is one of the best treatments that are highly in demand in the USA because many people are worried about their body and appearance and due to that they preferred this because they know with the help of liposuction they will be able to reduce the fat of some specific part of the body like thighs, buttocks and other places. If you don't know much about it then it would be better to connect with the surgeon who can guide you with the proper procedures and a system that what kind of treatment and procedure will be better for you. Even they will also help the patients with the counseling, so the patient will not feel uncomfortable before, during, and after the treatment.

There are many situations as well where people in cosmetic surgery because they want to make their appearance better. Sometimes people will get marks or some issues because of some accident or any other thing due to that they need some cosmetic surgery. If you are also a person who needs some cosmetic surgery because of any reason or want to enhance your appearance, then it would be better to look out for the cosmetic surgery Venice on the internet. There are many cosmetic surgeons or professionals available who are helping people with the best cosmetic treatments and they are providing the best solutions for any kind of problem. If you are not sure about cosmetic surgery then it would be better to connect with the right professionals or surgeons who can help you to get the best solution. You will get the details about the surgeons on the internet, so you can check it on the web about their ratings and reviews or even you can also check the recommendation from your friends or relatives. It will be better to visit the top cosmetic surgeon for the treatment because they have good skills along with that they use the best equipment.

Find the Details of Liposuction Vaser in Los Angeles

There are many people who are struggling with their weight and due to that, they are always looking for options through which they can reduce the extra fat from the specific part of the body. Sometimes people are not able to reduce the weight that they actually want even after having a lot of exercise and dieting. But now with the help of some treatments or surgeries, people will get the desired result but for that, a person has to contact the surgeon or a professional expert who can suggest that what kind of treatment will be suitable for them.

When it comes to certain kinds of treatment to reduce some extra fat from the body parts then it would be better to look out for liposuction. Liposuction high definition is a process through which a person can reduce the extra fat from the different parts of the body like thighs, buttocks, and more, but it is very important to understand its procedures along with the drawbacks because every treatment had some steps along with some negative things. There are many surgeons available who can assist you with the right kind of treatment but if you are unable to identify that which surgeon will be better for your treatment then you should have to consult with the surgeon who is doing the same kind of treatment. In Los Angeles, there are many people who are really worried about their personality and due to that they look out for such options. In many cases, people will get positive results with such kinds of surgeries but in some cases, there are some side effects as well. Therefore, it would be recommended to look out for the right options through which you can get the best possible result for your body.

When you are worried about some treatment, then it will be recommended to check all the details related to it and for that, you must have to take the help of the internet. There are multiple kinds of treatments available but most of the people are looking for the liposuction vaser in Los Angeles because they find that it is high definition treatment that will help to reduce the. Basically, it will reduce the fat but it will not work on obesity. There are many people who are having some health issues and due to that, they have to struggle a lot. When they have to struggle then they feel that they will get the best treatment which will help them to reduce the weight or fat from the body. In this case, taking help from the surgeon is one of the great ways to understand the procedure along with that they will also provide pre and post counseling through which you will understand the treatment. The surgeons and their teams are really helpful and they are knowledgeable about everything, they will guide you and help you with the entire thing.