Wednesday 25 November 2020

5 Reasons To Consider Lip Augmentation

Have you ever looked at pictures of timeless beauties like Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie and wondered just what it was that made them so irresistible to millions of people around the world? Here at the Venice Beach Surgical Center, we happen to believe that it is all in the lips! Lip augmentation in Los Angeles is the type of cosmetic procedure that is carried out many times a day on a range of different patients for a range of different reasons, with the one thing in common being that after the work has been done, quality of life is vastly improved.

If you have recently been thinking about the possibility of lip augmentation, then here are five of the key reasons that we hear our patients talking about time and time again.

Lips Age Very Quickly
Compared to other visible parts of the face and body, the lips tend to age at a much quicker rate on the average person. Small wrinkles and laugh lines start to appear in the corners of your mouth as you enter into your thirties. These lines can be exacerbated by smoking.  A short, sharp course of dermal fillers can halt this aging process in its tracks and leave your lips looking in the same great condition as the rest of your face for a long time.

The Procedure Is Simple
One of the big reasons for lip augmentation being so popular is the fact that the procedure itself is so simple and easy. Many people opt for lip augmentation in Los Angeles because it is a relatively small scale treatment that can have positive impacts on your body image and self-confidence. It is also very quick, which makes it an ideal treatment for someone who is busy and doesn’t have time to schedule any kind of recovery period.

It Is Very Safe
Dermal fillers have a very strong record of safety and no side effects. Over 90 percent of modern fillers used by reputable professionals consist of something called Hyaluronic Acid, which is a naturally occurring substance within the body. This means that you are not having any kind of foreign object introduced into your system.

Improve Shape
Along with ironing out wrinkles, lines, and creases, dermal fillers can also work to change and improve the shape of your lips and mouth area if you so wish. You can finally achieve that desirable plumpness if you have had thin lips since birth.

They Are Temporary
There is very minimal long term risk with dermal fillers due to their temporary nature. Patients are free to test the waters, so to speak, without having to commit to anything that might be permanent.

If you are serious about exploring lip augmentation in Los Angeles, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Centre is one of the leading figures in the lip augmentation field, and you can be assured of the very best service and care as a patient.

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