Wednesday 25 November 2020

Get A Summer Body With Lipo In Los Angeles

Everybody wants to look great when they head out to the beach in swimming costumes. Whether you have been dieting to get that perfect bikini body or going to the gym every day in order to show off your six pack on the beach, you are looking for the ideal sculpted body. For many people, that is an unrealistic dream, and you might struggle to get rid of excess fat from your body. Rather than giving up, you might decide that the only option is to speak to Venice Beach Surgical Center and the specialists in lipo for the Los Angeles region. We can help you to reshape your body to get that great beach ready look.

Why Choose Liposuction?

There are many reasons why people struggle to remove excess fat cells from their body, particularly in the hips, belly, and buttocks. Mostly, it is a case of fat cells remaining there long after the body should have cleared them away, and sometimes they just seem impossibly stubborn and difficult to remove. If you are struggling to get your body ready for the summer by yourself, then liposuction is one of the best ways to remove that stubborn fat and allow the muscles underneath to be revealed. If you are worried a about a particular area, for example on your arms, around your pectoral muscles and along the lower edge of your belly, then liposuction can allow you to remove the shapes and give you a much better opportunity to free yourself from excess fat.

Better Definition with Modern Technology
One of the advantages of choosing to have liposuction in the 21st-century is that it uses the very latest techniques to remove excess fat and trim you down for the ideal swimsuit. At our clinic, we use HD liposuction to target particular areas of fat rather than just using a broad brush, and we concentrate upon these areas with our techniques to give you a much better definition. HD liposuction uses a type of ultrasound to reduce fat cells to a more malleable material, and then sucks up the fat leaving other important issues unscathed. This is an essential technique to assist you in getting the best shape with minimal damage to your body. Recovery times can be much better than with more traditional methods.

Getting the Best Techniques
If you are interested in making use of the latest lipo techniques in Los Angeles, then you need to speak to Venice Beach Surgical Center today. Our teams can help you to make the perfect choice about reducing the amount of fat around significant areas, and we can make sure that you get the look that you have always wanted. Our high definition techniques will allow you to transform your body to the figure you have was wanted To find out more about how our teams can assist you, talk to us today either online through our messaging form or by calling for an appointment at (888) 598-0620 now.

Get The Perfect Look With A Cosmetic Surgeon In Los Angeles

Most people dislike something about their body or face, whether you think that you are too fat and cannot get rid of unappealing bulges and lumps, or you dislike your nose or your breasts or your buttocks. Whatever area of your body you are uncomfortable with, talking to a specialist cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles can help you to decide whether you need to have particular treatment to improve your looks. At Venice Beach Surgical Center we specialise in a variety of different treatments which are designed to help you transform the way you look and to give you more confidence in your figure.

Removing Unwanted Fat

Not all of us are blessed with the perfect shape like Hollywood stars, and many of us diet and exercise to an absurd level because we are trying to make ourselves look like the perfect figures, we see in Los Angeles every day. If it has got to the point where you realize that you simply can’t get rid of those extra pockets of fat, and you feel as though you are never going to be able to show off your hard-won muscles, then you might be interested in trying specialist HD liposuction techniques that are there to remove unwanted pockets of fat and leave you feeling much more secure about your figure. These techniques are suitable for both men and women, and can target specific areas of the body, including the belly, the upper arms and the chest area, so that you don’t have to settle for an appealing fat preventing you from in the way you want.

Changing Your Appearance

Another common surgical procedure in LA is breast enhancement. Enlarging the breasts, known as augmentation, can be a way to give a young girl more confidence in her appearance, or it can be a great way to improve the body after childbirth or weight loss. If you are happy with your shape in any way, having this type of surgery can give you a confidence boost and make you feel more certain that you can look as good as you feel inside. All that you need to do is simply talk to our expert cosmetic surgery about your requirements, and we can advise you about the best cosmetic options to choose.

Come and Talk To Us Today

If you are looking for help and advice from a specialist cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, then the Venice Beach Surgical Center is proud to be working with Dr Rojas. A cosmetic surgeon with many years’ experience in the industry, he will give you the best information about the type of surgical procedures available to you. After you discuss your area of concern, he will offer you his opinion on your requirement for cosmetic surgery. To find out more about how the team can assist you in looking good, simply fill in our online enquiry form with your details, or call (888) 598-0620 now.

Sculpt Your Body With Liposuction In Los Angeles

Modern life is all about combining the busy working life with a difficult schedule of diet and exercise to keep your body trim and athletic. Not all of us have been blessed with bodies that respond well to stress and dieting, and so you may end up with small pockets of fat sitting around your thighs, buttocks or belly that are preventing people from realizing how hard you are working to keep up with the standard required of modern life. If you have decided that you need to get rid of this fact for good, then you need to speak to Venice Beach Surgical Center about our latest liposuction treatments for Los Angeles residents.

Using the Latest Technology

You do not want everyone to know that you have had this type of cosmetic procedure, and in fact you may have been avoiding making this decision because you are worried about the scarring and impact on your body. However, we use the very latest liposuction technology to make the process much easier for you, and to reduce the amount of scarring and damage caused by the procedure. By using ultrasound techniques and a much smaller cannula for extraction, we can target only the fat cells, reducing the amount of damage that is caused to surrounding tissues such as nerves and blood vessels. Because we use this more advanced technique, bruising is reduced, and the small cannula size allows us to limit the amount of scarring caused by the process. This means that you have a much smaller recovery time and fewer scars on your body as a result.

Talk to Us About Your Lipo Needs

When you come to consult with our cosmetic surgeon, we will discuss with you the particular areas of concern that you have about your body. This might mean that you want to know how we will take fat from areas such as the upper arms, where there are a lot of muscle tissue and blood vessels in close proximity to the fat cells. We can pinpoint where you will most benefit from having this lipo treatment and show you how you might benefit from the process. You can also advise us about where you would most like us to remove fat cells in order to better show off your physical appearance.

Come in For A Consultation Today

then you should come to Venice Beach Surgical Center and make your first appointment. We are here to provide you with more information about what to expect from your treatment, and to offer you advice about the benefits that you will experience once is perceived goes ahead. To find out more about what we can do to help you change your appearance, reach out to our team today. You can contact us using our online enquiry form, or call us directly at (888) 598-0620 now.

Speak To The Best Liposuction Surgeons In Los Angeles Today

Having a serious operation like liposuction is an important decision for anyone, but if you have decided that you want to get rid of those unnecessary fat cells, you should start speaking to our team today. You need to have the best treatment, and this means that you have to consult with only the best liposuction surgeons in Los Angeles. Someone with the knowledge and experience of Dr Rojas can guide you through the procedure and make sure that you have every confidence in the techniques that we will use. Talking to the team at Venice Beach Surgical Center will help you to feel more certain that you are making the right decision.

Why Choose Liposuction?

There are many reasons why you might decide that you need the help of modern liposuction techniques. One of the best reasons is that you are not able to remove an area of fat that has remained behind despite your best efforts. If you have struggled with losing fat from a particular area, for example from the waist or the thighs, then you may need to consider having help with the parts of the body that just will not let go of the fat. It can be a particular problem if you have struggled with weight gain in the past and have now almost lost all of the weight apart from a small area. You can discuss your needs with our surgeon and find out why we are the best option available when it comes to removing fat from your body.

Why Choose A Specialist?

You may be unsure about the type of doctor that you need to choose to get the right treatment when you choose liposuction. There are several reasons why you only want to hire the best surgeons for this type of treatment. Firstly, you will need to have someone who is qualified in this area so that you can be certain they will provide you with the best care in the house. Secondly, you will need someone with the knowledge to ensure that you get the latest liposuction techniques, and having the skill to apply that knowledge in a surgical setting requires only the most experienced surgeons available to people in LA.

Talk to Us Now

Want to make sure that you only get the highest quality cosmetic treatments? You need to talk to the absolute best liposuction surgeons in Los Angeles, including Dr Rojas at Venice Beach Surgical Center. With his help, you can make sure that you get the right treatment for your condition. Find out more about our surgery today and make an appointment to consult with the surgical team today and let us help you to get rid of unwanted fat from your body. You can start the process today by sending us your details through our online contact form, or you can ask to book one of our free consultations when you call (888) 598-0620 now.

Botox: Frequently Asked Questions

Botox is no longer a mystical word. In fact, in the public psyche it is probably the most common procedure that comes to people’s mind whenever the subject of cosmetic surgery pops up. We all know famous faces that are used as the poster figures for what happens when people go overboard with dermal fillers, but the thing about Botox is that when it is done right by the most trained and experienced professionals, you can’t even notice it. All that is left is a beautiful face that looks naturally youthful and invigorated, and there is much more Botox in Los Angeles than you probably even imagined!

Have you ever considered Botox for yourself? If so, then it is always best to be as educated as you can be before making contact with a cosmetic surgery clinic.  To help you out with this, here are some answers to many of the most frequently asked questions about Botox in Los Angeles.

What is Botox?
Put simply, Botox is a liquid filler procedure that provides temporary erasure of moderate to severe frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet. From start to finish, the treatment takes an average of ten minutes and there is very minimal recovery or downtime. Results can start to be noticed within 24 hours.

      How much Botox research was done?
Botox is backed up by more than fifteen years’ worth of extensive published studies. It is one of the most researched procedures of its kind in the world, and it has been approved for use in almost 100 countries across the globe. Positive reports on the efficacy of Botox have been vouched for in more than 500 peer reviewed medical journal articles.

      How does it work?
Botox works by targeting the repetitive muscle contractions that occur to make natural wrinkles, like frowning, squinting, eyebrow raising etc. Solution is injected into these areas and the Botox temporarily reduces muscle activity, resulting in a smoother, less wrinkled looking around the eyes and forehead.

      Will it look unnatural?

Sensible, experienced Botox treatments will not look unnatural. The horror story photos that you see are never on the recommendation of the surgeon, but rather people who have made the personal decision to take the procedure too far against advice.

      Is Botox only for women?
Though beauty procedures like this have historically been more associated with women, a large number of men are also opting for Botox injections in the 21st century and with no stigma attached. There is no specific gender preference for Botox; it is widely available and a good option for both men and women.

So, if you think that you want to explore your options regarding Botox in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. You can feel more confident about contacting us to make an initial appointment now that you have much of the base knowledge on the overall procedure and we’re always happy to answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.

How To Find The Best Cosmetic Surgeon Near Me

At this point in the 21st century, it is fair to say that cosmetic surgery is something that has gone from being something reserved for the rich and famous to something that is very accessible at different levels for people of all backgrounds and circumstances. If you have spent years being unsatisfied with a particular element of your physical appearance and are in the position to finally be able to explore your options for doing something about it, then you are probably at the state of conducting an online search for ‘cosmetic surgeon near me’.

This is a good place to start, but you need to do a lot of research and homework before committing to any one clinic. With that in mind, here are some top tips for finding the best cosmetic surgeon near you.

Word Of Mouth

Ultimately, the people who are best placed to give a real opinion on the quality of a cosmetic surgeon are those who have gone under their knife! Put the call out among your friends and family to ask if any of them have had a positive personal experience with cosmetic surgery. Getting their honest and authentic account of what happened can often be a much more realistic way to find out which surgeries are the ones to put on the ‘possible cosmetic surgeon near me’ shortlist. If your contact was happy with the service, there is a good chance you will be too.

Research Pedigree Online

The majority of positive publicity and highlight moments from each individual surgery can be found online, so it pays to sit at your computer and do a bit of research about the awards that your potential surgery might have won, along with the various qualifications and certifications that they boast in their arsenal. The more qualified and experienced the surgeon, the better the quality is going to be in the final result.

  Seek Examples Of Work
Take some time to browse through the different surgery websites to seek out photographic evidence and examples of the kind of work that you are considering for yourself. The proof really is in the pudding when it comes to cosmetic surgery, so if you like what you see and prefer one finished product than another, then always opt for the clinic/surgeon whose photos you find the most appealing.

Telephone Consultations
The majority of cosmetic surgeons will be happy to conduct an online or telephone consultation with you before you make any big decisions. This can often be a good tool for seeing if you strike a connection with any particular place or doctor.

So, if your ‘cosmetic surgeon near me’ search leads you to the door of Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Center, then you can consider yourself in the best possible hands. No matter what your needs and requirements are, we can guarantee that they will be met, and you will finish your course of treatment a much happier and more confident person than when you started.

5 Reasons To Consider Lip Augmentation

Have you ever looked at pictures of timeless beauties like Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie and wondered just what it was that made them so irresistible to millions of people around the world? Here at the Venice Beach Surgical Center, we happen to believe that it is all in the lips! Lip augmentation in Los Angeles is the type of cosmetic procedure that is carried out many times a day on a range of different patients for a range of different reasons, with the one thing in common being that after the work has been done, quality of life is vastly improved.

If you have recently been thinking about the possibility of lip augmentation, then here are five of the key reasons that we hear our patients talking about time and time again.

Lips Age Very Quickly
Compared to other visible parts of the face and body, the lips tend to age at a much quicker rate on the average person. Small wrinkles and laugh lines start to appear in the corners of your mouth as you enter into your thirties. These lines can be exacerbated by smoking.  A short, sharp course of dermal fillers can halt this aging process in its tracks and leave your lips looking in the same great condition as the rest of your face for a long time.

The Procedure Is Simple
One of the big reasons for lip augmentation being so popular is the fact that the procedure itself is so simple and easy. Many people opt for lip augmentation in Los Angeles because it is a relatively small scale treatment that can have positive impacts on your body image and self-confidence. It is also very quick, which makes it an ideal treatment for someone who is busy and doesn’t have time to schedule any kind of recovery period.

It Is Very Safe
Dermal fillers have a very strong record of safety and no side effects. Over 90 percent of modern fillers used by reputable professionals consist of something called Hyaluronic Acid, which is a naturally occurring substance within the body. This means that you are not having any kind of foreign object introduced into your system.

Improve Shape
Along with ironing out wrinkles, lines, and creases, dermal fillers can also work to change and improve the shape of your lips and mouth area if you so wish. You can finally achieve that desirable plumpness if you have had thin lips since birth.

They Are Temporary
There is very minimal long term risk with dermal fillers due to their temporary nature. Patients are free to test the waters, so to speak, without having to commit to anything that might be permanent.

If you are serious about exploring lip augmentation in Los Angeles, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Centre is one of the leading figures in the lip augmentation field, and you can be assured of the very best service and care as a patient.

What Age Is The Right Age For Cosmetic Surgery?

When it comes to the world of cosmetic beauty and various surgical procedures both small and extensive, it very much feels like the landscape has completely shifted over the last couple of decades. Once upon a time cosmetic surgery in Venice was something reserved for the rich, the famous and those chasing eternal youth, but this simply isn’t the case anymore. People from all walks of life, of all ages are now seeing cosmetic surgery as something that can be a possibility for them, for a number of different reasons.

With that in mind, here are some important and enlightening facts about when it might be the right time in life to start thinking about different degrees of cosmetic surgery.

Though most cosmetic surgery is not recommended for patients still in their teen years, something that is fairly common among younger people is rhinoplasty. ‘Nose jobs’ can be performed at this age both for reasons of easing nasal passage breathing, congestion, and the aesthetics of a nose in extreme cases when a teen’s mental health is being affected by the size or shape of their nose.

Rhinoplasty continues to be a popular form of surgery for people into their twenties, and this is also one of the main age groups for breast augmentation. This can be for both increase in size and reduction in size.


Botox starts to become more of a common cosmetic procedure as patients get into their thirties, with around 1 million treatments being performed in this age group every year. Other treatments that are common in the thirties bracket are things like liposuction and breast augmentation, often a combination desired in the early years after childbirth.

The fuller effects of aging start to come into play at this stage, and cosmetic surgery in Venice sees a lot of middle aged patients opting for procedures such as eyelid surgery and more wider ranging facelift treatments. A lot of preventative maintenance procedures performed at this stage of life can help to lower the need for anything more major as a patients moves into their senior years.

55 +

There is absolutely no reason in the 21st century that a person cannot look twenty or more years younger well into their sixties. Facelifts are very popular among this older age bracket, with Botox and dermal fillers also being utilized to maintain a more youthful look without going overboard and looking ‘strange’. Almost 1.5 million Botox injections and nearly 1 million dermal filler procedures are undertaken by patients over the age of 55 every single year.

No matter how old you are, your consultation with a cosmetic surgeon will be completely personal to you, your age, your health and circumstances.

If you think that cosmetic surgery is something that you would like to explore your own options for, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. Cosmetic surgery in Venice has never been more readily accessible than it is right now, so do not be afraid to take advantage and potentially change your life for the better.