Tuesday 28 February 2023

How To Know If You’re Ready for A Mommy Makeover in Los Angeles

A mommy makeover in Los Angeles isn’t a simple cut-and-dried procedure. It requires a lot of consideration, particularly if you are indeed ready for it. It bears a lot of risks, and the idea is to mitigate them and not experience the adverse effects that some people go through.

So here are a few ways to know if you’re ready for a mommy makeover.

You’re No Longer Planning to Have Children
Mommy makeovers are invasive, and doing it after every single time you give birth would be taxing on your body. No one wants to go under the knife in such an elaborate way more than once.

So if you’ve decided to no longer have kids, only then should you go through a mommy makeover. The good thing is, you can have this procedure done even if your kids are still young, as long as your body won’t go through the stress of the physicality of taking care of them.

You Have the Downtime to Recover
This piggybacks on our previous item. After you’ve gone through a mommy makeover, you’ll need about two to four weeks to recover. That means at most a month of not doing anything physically strenuous.

If you have that kind of time to dedicate for recovery, then you are ready for a mommy makeover. Otherwise, you may want to reconsider this.

You’re Dealing With Unwanted Scars
Women who’ve gone through a C-section childbirth are particularly qualified here. C-sections usually leave noticeable scars, and it can hamper your self-esteem.

Tummy tucks, which are part of mommy makeovers, can do the trick in getting rid of these unwanted scars.

A Trusted Name When It Comes to Mommy Makeovers In Los Angeles
Now that you’ve deemed yourself ready for a mommy makeover, it’s time to find the right place to go about it. The answer: Venice Beach Surgical Center. With the reputed Dr. Augusto Rojas taking the reins, you know you’re in good hands.

To know more about what we offer, visit our website. You can also call us at (310) 391-7143.

Here’s What to Expect After Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles

Breast augmentation in Los Angeles is a complex procedure. If done right, you get the results you want and ultimately, enjoy a renewed sense of confidence from achieving your desired physical look.
But what other things can you expect after you’ve gone through breast augmentation? How will it affect the quality of your life? This article should provide answers to these questions.

Recovery Can Take a While
Since breast augmentation is an elaborate procedure, recovery is a must. For this one, the recovery period should be at least a week, to give time for those wounds to close up fully.

Experts recommend slowing down for a good three weeks to make sure that no complications arise afterward.

Activity Is Necessary
While breast augmentation in Los Angeles requires some recovery time, it doesn’t mean that you will be idle for the given period. Experts, in fact, recommend being active to keep the blood flow constant. Those who work a desk job are even granted the clearance to go back to work within five days after the procedure.

Bed rest, doctors say, isn’t always necessary. Active rest is also encouraged by taking daily walks.

There Will Be Scars
You go under the knife, therefore, you get scars. Fortunately, scarring after breast augmentation isn’t very noticeable and extensive.

According to doctors, there will be an inflammatory stage within the first days and weeks. That will then be followed by some redness, which is expected to fade quickly.

That is another good thing about breast augmentation scars: they heal much quicker and will be gone before you even know it.

Where Should You Have Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles?
One of the best options out there would be Venice Beach Surgical Center. Headed by renowned surgeon Dr. Augusto Rojas, you can have a guarantee of a safe procedure with results that will give you your money’s worth.

If you want to know more about us and what we are all about, you can visit our website. You can also call us at (310) 391-7143.

How Is Cosmetic Surgery In Los Angeles Different From Plastic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles is big business. Especially since such procedures have evolved and render more seamless results, a lot more people are getting into it, too.

Then you have plastic surgery, which is a different animal altogether. At this point, many of you reading this are probably scratching their heads, wondering what the difference is. This article is here to explain it all.

Plastic Surgery Is About Restoring Bodily Functions
Plastic surgery is a person requiring a facial reconstructive procedure after a bad car accident. That’s entirely different from a tummy tuck after a woman gives birth to triplets.

This right here is the main difference: plastic surgery is about restoring bodily functions to allow the person to live a normal life. Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, focuses on enhancements that improves a person’s body image, and ultimately, their self-esteem.

Cosmetic Surgery May Not Be Covered By Insurance
Because of the nature of the work, cosmetic surgery may not be covered by insurance. It is, after all, an elective procedure where patients willingly subject themselves to it.

Only critical procedures are usually covered by insurance, and breast augmentation surgery isn’t one of them.

Doctors Go Through Different Certification Processes
Aspiring plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons will need to go through medical school and residency training. They will also need to be board certified, which means they will need to pass a board exam. However, it’s the latter that needs to jump through more hoops.

Future cosmetic surgeons are required to undergo fellowship training, or at the very least, have some experience in facial cosmetic surgery.

And once board-certified, cosmetic surgeons can then specialize in more aesthetic procedures. Board-certified plastic surgeons, on the other hand, may take up a broader range of surgeries.

Dr. Augusto Rojas Is Your Man For Cosmetic Surgery in Los Angeles
As one of the ten most sought-after cosmetic surgeons in America, the presence of Dr. Augusto Rojas in our clinic is truly a blessing. And for that, we at Venice Beach Surgical Center are honored and proud to be a reputable cosmetic surgery facility in Los Angeles.

If you want to know more, visit our website or call us at (310) 391-7143.

The Risks to Consider When Undergoing a Mommy Makeover in Los Angeles

With the upsides of a mommy makeover in Los Angeles comes the corresponding risks. These are risks that shouldn’t be swept under the rug, especially if you’re thinking about going through one.

Now, this isn’t to say that a mommy makeover isn’t safe. With the right surgeon and a trusted facility, there’s a better chance for you to get the results you desire.

However, these risks are worth considering. So do yourself a favor and read through this article.

Blood Clots
Blood clots are by far the most dangerous possible consequences of mommy makeovers. They’re most likely to develop in the legs because the procedure involves some muscle tightening. It tends to restrict blood flow, which then results in blood clots.

Post-Surgery Infections
Infections are another risk you are running if you elect to undergo a mommy makeover. Since you’re dealing with open wounds and incisions, there is a higher likelihood for infections to develop.

Improper Healing
Each body type is different from one another, which means each one may also react differently to the procedure. Some may not heal properly and experience uneven contours, as well as noticeable scarring.

How to Minimize the Risks of Mommy Makeovers
The best way to mitigate the risks of mommy makeovers is to follow your doctor’s advice. They will likely recommend you to keep yourself active during the recovery period to avoid blood clots, for one.

And before the procedure, be honest about your pre-surgery steps. Be completely honest about filling out your paperwork and disclose all necessary information the doctor needs to know beforehand.

These risks are definitely avoidable, and all you’ll need to do is to play your cards right.

What’s the Best Place to Get a Mommy Makeover In Los Angeles?
Out of the many clinics that offer mommy makeovers, Venice Beach Surgical Center is where many people go to, and for good reason: Dr. Augusto Rojas. The renowned cosmetic surgeon has been in business for decades and has climbed the ranks to be one of the most sought-after doctors in the United States.

For more information about what we offer, check out our website or call us at (310) 391-7143.

How Does Fat Transfer Work?

Just by looking at the name itself, it’s easy to have a vague idea about fat transfer. A quick Google search will tell you that it’s a minimally invasive procedure that’s done to enhance certain parts of your body by transferring fat.

But how exactly does it work? And if you’re considering going through with it, should you? This short article should answer these questions.

What Happens During Fat Transfer Surgery?
As the name suggests, fat transfer surgery involves the transfer of fat from one body part to another. Usually, the targeted body parts are the breasts, buttocks, cheeks, hips, lips, and even under your eyes.

What it isn’t is a weight-loss procedure. Since you’re merely transferring fat from one part to another, it is still present in the body, and therefore, won’t cause any weight loss.

What Are the Effects of a Successful Fat Transfer Surgery?
When done right, a successful fat transfer surgery can increase buttocks size, for one. It can also elevate cheekbones to make it more pronounced, while also reducing wrinkles.

Fat transfer surgery can also help facial scars heal and be less noticeable, reconstruct certain parts like breasts, and create that much-coveted hour-glass shape.

How Long Does the Effects of a Fat Transfer Procedure Last?
Fat transfer procedures are a one-time operation. However, it’s worth noting that not all the fat cells are expected to survive during the procedure. Therefore, you may not always get the exact results you are looking for.

Another thing to consider is the amount of time before you see results. Usually, such procedures take up to six months before the injected fat cells develop. Only this time can you see the results you’re looking for, so be patient.

Let Dr. Augusto Rojas Take Care of Your Fat Transfer Procedure
For the uninformed, Dr. Augusto Rojas is a renowned surgeon with decades of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery. Along the way, he’s managed to evolve into one of the most sought-after professionals in this field.

Dr. Rojas is the main man over Venice Beach Surgical Center, where you can guarantee a seamless fat transfer procedure to give you the results you want. To know more, visit our website or call us at (310) 391-7143.

What Are the Known Benefits of Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles?

A renewed sense of self is the biggest upside from having breast augmentation in Los Angeles. Finally, you’ve gotten the figure you’ve been desiring after going through a grueling procedure that is a hit or miss, to begin with.

But what other benefits does a breast augmentation procedure bring? Is it all about boosting self-esteem? Read this short article to find out more, and hopefully, it can help you make a more informed decision about whether or not you should go through with it.

Better Symmetry
Most women who undergo breast augmentation surgery achieve better breast symmetry after the procedure. And more often than not, their new bust size will compliment their body type, which ultimately enhances their figure.

Better Body Proportion
Another upside for having breast implants is better body proportion. Especially for women with larger hips, any addition to their breast size would even out any existing disproportion that’s present.

Rebuild Your Breast Figure After a Mastectomy
Women who undergo mastectomy likely went through a traumatic and self-esteem-crushing episode. But with a perfectly-done breast augmentation procedure, they can bring back a lot of that self-confidence that was lost in the process.

It’s one thing to survive breast cancer, but it’s another to regain your confidence and be back to your old self. And that’s something that this particular procedure can bring about.

A Reliable Facility For Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles
For those looking for a reliable facility in Los Angeles to accommodate their breast augmentation needs, look no further than Venice Beach Surgical Center. We’re headed by Dr. Augusto Rojas, one of the more renowned surgeons in the last few decades. He’s one of the most sought-after professionals in this industry to date, so you know you’re in good hands.

If you want to know more, visit our website or call us at (310) 391-7143.