Friday 15 July 2022

Everything You Need To Know About Lip Augmentation In Los Angeles

As far as current cosmetic and beauty trends go, there isn’t much that is hotter right now than lip augmentation. The likes of Kylie Jenner and her Kardashian sisters have changed the way that we see lips on women. Once upon a time getting a perfectly thin line with a brow pencil was the desired look, but in 2022 and beyond it is all about getting them as full and juicy looking as possible! Lip augmentation in Los Angeles is incredibly accessible and achievable for those with even the smallest budgets in mind. In terms of the wider cosmetic surgery spectrum, it is one of the easiest treatments to obtain from a variety of professionals. Here are some of the key things to know about lip augmentation before taking the plunge yourself.

What Is The Purpose Of Lip Augmentation?
The main reason that people undergo lip augmentation treatments is to achieve a fuller, plumper set of lips. This is done via the use of approved dermal fillers that are injected directly onto the lip area in order to add volume and smooth out any lines or wrinkles that might be present. This results in bigger lips, and a fuller and younger appearance.

What Are The Benefits Of Lip Fillers?
The benefits of lip fillers are clear for all to see. They achieve the visual changes that you are looking for, and they are incredibly accessible and affordable in the wider spectrum of cosmetic procedures. There are very few risks involved in the modern-day, and the recovery time is next to nothing once a small amount of swelling and/or redness has subsided. The results are not permanent, which some may see as a bad thing, but others see as a benefit as it means you can experiment with different fillers and volumes without the worry of something lasting forever.

What Happens During The Procedure?
Lip augmentation is done very quickly and requires very little downtime. Your surgeon will numb the area, mark where the fillers need to be placed, and then use a very thin needle to inject the filler solution into your lips and mouth. You will start to notice a difference immediately, and as part of your aftercare, you need to avoid putting pressure on the area, even things like lip balm and lipstick for the short term.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects?
Though lip fillers are very low risk when done in a professional, qualified environment, there is always the risk of common side effects like bruising, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the lip and mouth area. This is only temporary, however, and will subside as you begin to quickly recover.

So, if you are interested in getting lip augmentation in Los Angeles, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the expert professionals over at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. Dr. Rojas and his dedicated team have years of combined experience with lip augmentation and every other kind of cosmetic treatment. Hurry and make an appointment today, the waiting list keeps on growing and growing!

The Fat Transfer To Buttocks Procedure Explained

Once upon a time, far and away the most popular kinds of cosmetic surgery procedures for women around the world were treatments like breast augmentation, nose jobs, and face lifts. It would be fair to say that standards in previous generations were very much focused on the ‘front facing’ elements of aesthetic beauty, but in the last few years, there has been an undeniable shift to the junk (or lack of!) that we are carrying in our trunks! As a result of the Kardashian and J. Lo lead ‘big booty’ craze, more and more women are interested in a fat transfer to buttocks surgery. If you are among them, then keep on reading for a succinct guide on how it actually works.

General Anesthesia Is Used
The process of fat transfer on the buttocks (or BBL as you might know it) begins with a surgeon placing you under a general anesthetic. The surgery can last anywhere between 2 and 4 hours on average. When you wake up, you will be sent to a special recovery ward where you will receive 24 hours of dedicated aftercare. When the surgeon feels you are sufficiently healed, you are free to leave!

You Must Have A Qualifying BMI
To be able to actually get the BBL surgery, you need to meet a few different criteria. You need to be between the ages of 18 and 55, and you must have a body mass index (BMI) of 34 or lower. Your BMI is important to determine whether or not the fat transfer will work properly, and whether the right ‘type’ of fat is being transferred to your buttock area.

Your Hemoglobin Levels Must Be High Enough
Another big requirement is that you need to have a hemoglobin level of 12.0 or higher. This gives the surgeon a good indicator as to how well your body will be able to physically cope with the rigors of the surgery and the following recovery process.

The Fat To Be Transferred Comes From Your Torso
A person’s torso region is generally the place where they have the most fat ‘to spare’, and for this reason, the fat took to be transferred to your buttocks usually comes from your tummy area. The fat is removed, washed, and then reinjected into the buttocks and hips to create that much sought-after, plumper, perkier rounded shape that looks completely naturally sculpted. In a sense, because the new shape has been achieved using your own fat and nothing artificial, you can actually say that your new body modification is actually completely natural! With the right levels of maintenance, a BBL can last a lifetime.

So, if you are interested in a fat transfer to buttocks procedure in your own life, all you need to do is book an initial consultation with a great institution like the Venice Beach Surgical Center. Dr. Rojas and his team of highly trained medical professionals have vast experience in the world of buttock fat transfer, believe us when we say that you couldn’t be in better hands!

Venice Beach Surgical Center Is The Best Place For Lipo In Los Angeles

You won’t be surprised to hear that Los Angeles is, without a doubt, one of the most popular places in the world when it comes to seeking out cosmetic surgery of all different varieties. With so many different places to choose from, it can often be quite daunting trying to decide which institution you want to have your own treatments performed at, but when it comes to lipo in Los Angeles, there is no doubt that the Venice Beach Center is the best choice for the job! Here are some of the biggest reasons why the Venice Beach Center is the best place for lipo in Los Angeles.

They Are Experts In HD Liposuction
HD lipo is, as the name suggests, a form of liposuction that is designed specifically to both remove fat deposits from your body, and also provide a definition and muscle contouring at the same time. Lots of people have described HD lipo as having a very dramatic and effective thinning effect that does much more for your body than the old traditional form of liposuction. The biggest benefits of this more advanced lipo method include much more natural-looking results, smaller incisions, better overall safety, much shorter recovery time, hardly any prominent scarring, and much tighter skin at the end of the treatment.

Luckily for you, the Venice Beach Surgical Center specializes in this particular type of liposuction and should be regarded as the number one choice in the city.

Meet Dr. Augusto Rojas
Original from Bogota in Colombia, Dr. Augusto is one of the leading names in the modern field of HD liposuction. Now the incredibly successful Medical and Surgical Director at Oceanview Medical and Surgical Group in Venice, California. He has more than twenty years of experience in Southern California, and in a place in the world where dozens and dozens of cosmetic surgeons profess to be the best in the business, there is no doubt that Dr. Rojas is a real candidate for the true title.

What Does Dr. Rojas Offer?
In addition to the HD liposuction that Dr. Rojas offers along with his team at his surgery, they also provide a full range of cosmetic procedures that span from non-invasive to minimally invasive to more involved and complicated. Some of the most common and popular procedures that Dr. Rojas and his team undertake every single day include:

Tummy tuck.
Brazilian lift.
Varicose vein treatment.
Face and neck lift with threads.
Lip augmentation.
Lip lift.
Vampire lift.
Breast augmentation (reduction, lift, reconstruction, male reduction.)

So, if you want to enlist the services of Dr. Rojas for lipo in Los Angeles at the Venice Beach Surgical Center, then don’t hesitate to make an appointment for an initial consultation. The expert and highly experienced staff will be more than happy to answer any questions and ease any worries that you might have. We look forward to meeting you and being able to change your life for the better!

Get Fillers In Los Angeles To Boost Your Summer Look

When it comes to cosmetic procedures that are becoming increasingly common and accessible to people with all budgets, there is no doubt that dermal fillers are right up at the top of the list. Getting fillers in Los Angeles is almost as common for some people as going to the dentist to get your teeth whitened, and we are of the opinion that if you want to do it, then why not!? With summer just around the corner, there is no better time to give your face a boost of youthful vigor. Here is everything that you need to know about getting fillers in the summer.

Why Should You Get Dermal Fillers In Summertime?
Out of all the seasons, summer is a great time to focus on your face and enhance your appearance. Unlike a lot of facial treatments, dermal fillers don’t actually do anything to resurface your skin. This means that you don’t have to worry about the sensitivity of your skin through exposure to the sun. Once your fillers have been completed, you are free to get back to the beach or the poolside without having to worry about sensitivity to the elements. It goes without saying that you always need to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the UV rays, but the actual addition of the fillers doesn’t add any extra risk in this respect.

Summer is also a great time to undergo something like dermal fillers because people’s schedules tend to be more laid back and open, making it easier to schedule an appointment or two to fit the procedure into your daily routine.

Because dermal fillers are only a temporary treatment that often lasts about 6 months before having to top up, it is a sensible idea to get them done before the ‘main’ part of summer begins. This kind of timing is perfect because it means that your face and skin are in the best possible condition before you start heading out to all of the big summer garden, pool, and beach parties that always happen at this time of year.

What Should You Expect?
The procedure of dermal fillers is very simple and stays the same no matter what time of the year you choose to visit. During the treatment, your surgeon will provide some light anesthetic if you need it, followed by the insertion of some small needles under your skin to inject the filler. You will start to notice results almost immediately, with the full results coming through within a week. In terms of side effects, you may experience some light bruising and swelling, but this will subside in a few days to allow you to start enjoying your summer to the max!

So, if you are thinking about getting fillers in Los Angeles to boost your summer look this year, then head over to the Venice Beach Surgical Center website where you will find all of the information that you need in order to set up an appointment. Dr. Rojas and his experienced team are ready and waiting to provide you with all of the best care and attention that you deserve. We look forward to welcoming you to the surgery!

How Liposuction Hd In Los Angeles Differs From Other Types

When you think about liposuction, it is extremely likely that you are imagining a method and procedure that isn’t anything like the modern versions of the treatments that you have seen performed on the TV and heard about for years and years. Once upon a time, liposuction was a really extensive and overly invasive form of cosmetic surgery that didn’t have much respect for the bodies it was being performed on, but thankfully this attitude and kind of treatment is a thing of the past thanks to liposuction HD in Los Angeles. To help you understand what we are talking about here is some information about how HD liposuction differs from the other types!

The Technology Is Far Advanced
This particular type of lipo involves the use of a tumescent solution that not only numbs all of the key areas that are being tackled but also work to minimize any bleeding that might occur during the procedure. This helps the surgeon to do much more precise work, and it will also reduce the amount of pain and swelling that you could experience in the recovery period afterward. Compared to the general anesthesia that patients in previous generations had to contend with, this is a much preferred and more efficient option.

Fat Cells Are More Specifically Targeted
Rather than just making an incision in the skin and going ahead to remove all the fat underneath, the extra step of ultrasound waves in vaser treatments makes it much more effective. The way that the fat is liquidated before any incisions have even been made makes the whole removal process much quicker and much better for the body. Surgeons are able to make much smaller incisions and be far less vigorous in their actions to achieve the same results.

Can Be Used For More Areas Of The Body
Because of the more delicate, concentrated methods of vaser, it is a lipo option that can be used not just on the usual torso area but also on smaller, more intricate areas like the cheeks, chin, neck, and upper arms. Effectively, just about any problematic fat spot in your body can be handled thanks to vaser lipo!

Much Lower Risk Of Nerve Damage
In the past, the more rigorous, ‘tough’ way that liposuction had to be performed could sometimes run the risk of causing long-lasting blood vessels or nerve damage to the parts of the body that were being worked on. This is no longer the case with vaser, as the treatment is so specific and precise that your nerves and blood vessels can be left without any damage whatsoever.
So, if you are interested in the modernized methods of liposuction HD in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with the professionals at the Venice Beach Surgical Center for all of the information that you could possibly need. Dr. Rojas and his team of cosmetic surgery experts are ready and waiting to consult with you and make sure that you receive the best care and treatment possible.

Reasons To Get Lipo Vaser In Los Angeles

Out of all the cosmetic surgery procedures that a person can get with the aim of completely changing and altering the shape of their body, there is no doubt that vaser liposuction is one the most popular and most successful. The very latest in lipo technology, vaser stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy as Resonance’, and what this means is that the procedure uses ultrasound waves to turn your fat into a liquid that can then be suctioned from the body. To give you a better idea of the treatment in general, here are some of the biggest reasons why people opt for lipo vaser in Los Angeles.

It Is Ideal For A Range Of Different Body Parts
Because vaser lipo is a much more precise and ‘delicate’ version of the liposuction procedure, it means that it can be used on many more parts of the body than just the stomach and thighs. Smaller incisions and more concentrated fat liquidation mean that you can choose to have effective vaser lipo on smaller areas like your cheeks, neck, underarms, ankles, knees, and more.

More Patients Qualify As Good Candidates
Because the vaser procedure isn’t such a major operation (it doesn’t require complete general anesthetic, for example), it means that more people can find themselves being deemed as suitable candidates for the treatment. Pretty much the only check that needs to be made is on your BMI because those who are obese and on the higher side of overweight might not benefit from the lighter fine-tuning that vaser offers. It should instead be seen as a perfect finishing touch for someone who has already lost the bulk of their extra weight.

It Is One Of The Safest Procedures On Offer
Long gone are the days of liposuction horror stories that leave patients with full-body bruises or horrible lumps and bumps. Vaser lipo can be seen as the ultimate fine-tuning of the treatment, so you don’t need to worry about a lot of the old side effects and risks that used to be mentioned with traditional lipo. Of course, no cosmetic procedure can ever be 100% guaranteed, but vaser is as safe as it gets in this particular field.

It Has A Much Shorter Recovery Time
Downtime for a vaser lipo procedure is usually only about 2 to 3 days before you can start to resume your everyday life and activities. You will need to wear a compression garment for up to 8 weeks to be completely safe, but this is much more condensed compared to decades ago!

So, if you are interested in the idea of getting lipo vaser in Los Angeles, then the next step is to find a surgeon who specializes in the treatment. Luckily for you, the Venice Beach Surgical Center is one such place! Dr. Rojas and his team of experienced cosmetic professionals perform all types of procedures, including vaser lipo, for dozens of patients every single day. If you want to be one of them, then head over to the website to find all of the relevant information.

Make A Positive Move And Get Cosmetic Surgery In Venice Beach

It might be fair to say that when a lot of people think about cosmetic surgery, the first images and ideas that come to mind are those of the various horror story celebrity cases where someone has taken things way too far and been too rich and powerful to be told ‘this isn’t a good idea!’. It is really important to remember that in the best and most common cases, cosmetic surgery isn’t something that is always immediately noticeable and isn’t something that turns a person into a laughing stock. Get those exaggerated images out of your mind, and instead read through these reasons why cosmetic surgery in Venice Beach can be a positive move.

It Can Increase Your Sense Of Self Confidence
Even if the issue you want to ‘fix’ is tiny to other people, it can seem huge to you and have a major negative impact on your self-confidence and your wider mental health. In this sense, you shouldn’t regard cosmetic surgery as something that only vain people get, but rather a tool that can help you to achieve a greater feeling of contentment and happiness with yourself that will then permeate into all areas of your life.

You, Will, Get A Better Quality Of Life
The positive impact of cosmetic surgery doesn’t begin and end just when you look in the mirror. The feeling of improvement and confidence that you gain will translate into a much better quality of life because you will find that you are much more open to doing things, going places, and meeting people than you were before.

Newfound Reserves Of Energy
You would be amazed at the level of emotional energy that you find you have after you have finally attained your dream body. All of a sudden, social engagements that used to fill you with dread because of your nose, your stomach, your chin, or any other body part, will now seem like fun chances to show off your brand new look. Even small activities like going out to the shops will become an energizing and fun task once again.

Take Ownership Of Your Own Body
Don’t feel beaten down if you exist in a family or social circle that looks down on cosmetic surgery as something unnecessary or reserved only for the rich and famous in magazines. If you have a body issue that you think can easily be solved by a quick visit to a cosmetic surgeon, then you should feel free to do so. It is all about taking ownership of your own body and doing what is best for you!

So, if you are interested in any type of cosmetic surgery in Venice Beach, then don’t hesitate to head straight to the best by booking an appointment at the Venice Beach Medical Center. Dr. Rojas and his team of experienced staff members are ready and waiting to consult with you about whichever procedure you are interested in. We look forward to welcoming you!

How To Find Lip Injections Near Me

There is absolutely no doubt that of all the different kinds of surgery and treatments that are available in today’s modern cosmetic landscape, lip fillers are definitely one of the most popular options. Thanks to the likes of Kylie Jenner and Angelina Jolie, having big, full lips with lots of volumes is one of the most sought-after and desired beauty traits all over the world. Of course, if you have naturally thin lips, then you don’t need to despair, all you need is a little cosmetic assistance to achieve your dream look! To help you out, here are some of the best tips for what to do when you want to find ‘lip injections near me’.

Pay Attention To Word Of Mouth

In the world of cosmetic surgery, one of the strongest recommendations that you can ever get is the feedback and testimonials of people who have already experienced treatment from a certain surgeon. If the word of mouth is positive, then you can almost always be sure that you will receive a high level of treatment from the surgeon in question. In a city like Los Angeles where there are so many competing cosmetic surgeons in the same area, the difference between having a good reputation and a bad reputation can be the defining thing in a surgeon’s success.

Look At Before And After Photographs

You will have an idea of what you want your lips to look like in your mind, so spend some time browsing the various websites of the cosmetic surgeries in question to see all of the before and after photographs that they post. If you see a before that looks very much like you accompanied by an after that is close to what you are hoping for, then you can have some confidence that the surgeon will know exactly what you need and exactly how to do it.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Qualifications

Unfortunately, there is a subsection of cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles that is filled with so-called ‘professionals’ who aren’t quite as certified as they would like you to believe. You should never feel embarrassed or out of order to ask your surgeon what credentials and qualifications they have. If they are fully qualified and everything is above board, they will have no problem whatsoever in providing you with the proof that you need. If for any reason they start to become evasive after such a request, then you can treat that behavior as a red flag that encourages you to look elsewhere for a more open, more professional setup.

So, next time you feel like Googling ‘lip injections near me’, consider skipping all of the unnecessary searching results and instead head straight to the Venice Beach Surgical Center website. There, you will find Dr. Rojas and his team, along with all of the information that you need regarding their lip injection treatments and what you can expect to experience. We look forward to being able to help you in any way possible!