Tuesday 4 January 2022

How Do I Find The Best Liposuction Surgeons In Los Angeles

 When you decide to undergo a procedure like liposuction, you must do the right homework to find surgery and surgeon that best fits your needs and expectations. Although it is an extremely common procedure at this stage in the cosmetic surgery game, liposuction is still an operation that requires a high level of skill and expertise to complete. In a city like Los Angeles, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to cosmetic surgeons, and picking the best place for you is the most important part of the process. With that in mind, here is some advice for picking the best liposuction surgeons in Los Angeles.

Check For Certification
Unfortunately, there are too many ‘surgeons’ across Los Angeles and the wider country who claim to have expertise and experience that in reality, they don’t. Although it technically is supposed to be, cosmetic surgery isn’t quite as strictly licensed and regulated like other sectors in the medical field, and for this reason, you are going to want to do a thorough background check on anyone that you are interested in paying for the services of. Any reputable cosmetic surgeon will be more than happy to provide all the proof of his training and certification that you might need. If someone is trying to dodge the approach, then it’s a classic red flag.

Word Of Mouth
The great thing about Los Angeles is that there are plenty of people to get real-life feedback from for pretty much any surgery that you can think of! Don’t be afraid to ask around your family and friends or even colleagues for recommendations of surgeons whose work they have benefitted from. The best kind of proof that a surgeon is legitimate and talented is by looking at their handiwork in person, so if you get the chance to do that, then make the most of it.

Online Testimonials
The claims that a surgeon can make on their website are one thing but reading up on the consensus on an aggregated review site can be a completely different story. Rather than just taking the official website for granted, it’s always a good idea to search for testimonials that have been posted on other places on the web. They are likely to give you a better idea of the true nature and quality of any given cosmetic surgeon. At the end of the day, it’s all about making a smart, informed decision based on both qualifications and authentic word of mouth!

So, if you would like to see an example of one of the best liposuction surgeons in Los Angeles, then head over to the Venice Beach Surgical Center where you will find the details of Dr. Rojas. Without a doubt one of the most talented and experienced surgeons in the city, Dr. Rojas will be able to undertake any liposuction procedures that you have in mind. We look forward to hearing from you!

Tips For Good Recovery After Lipo Abdomen In Los Angeles

There is no doubt that in the world of modern cosmetic surgery, liposuction around the abdomen area is one of the most common and popular procedures across the globe. It is estimated that thousands of people undergo lipo abdomen in Los Angeles every single year, and what that means is that along with thousands of operations, there are also thousands of recovery periods to be started afterward! As with any kind of invasive surgery, there is always going to be a set amount of time you need to rest and recover, and lipo on the abdomen is no different. With no further ado, here are some of the best tips for a good recovery after abdomen lipo.

Eat Well
It is important for you to maintain a healthy diet immediately after abdomen liposuction. Pay particular attention to reducing your salt intake because too much salt in the body will encourage it to retain extra water and worsen the swelling created by the procedure. Also, decrease your sugar intake because too much sugar plays a part in the suppression of your immune system, and you want your immune system to be firing on all cylinders during your recovery period. Continuing a healthy diet long after recovery will also prevent the need for future liposuction.

Stay Active
You might feel like laying down on your bed and resting for hours at a time, but the better course of action (after the first 24 hours) is to maintain a course of light exercise. Things like short walks and generally just staying active in small ways can help to kick start the body’s healing process. Hard exercise should be avoided but find something that you can do to keep your body and motion ticking over.

Stay Hydrated
One of the worst things you can do is become dehydrated during your recovery period. The average person should take in about 8 glasses of water per day, but someone recovering from abdomen lipo should aim for slightly more, in the 10 to 12 glasses range instead. Still, water is the best for this, as you don’t want any liquids that are too high in sure or too high in sodium as we have already mentioned.

Avoid Soaking
Soaking your body when it isn’t fully healed can slow the recovery rate and also increase your chance of infection. To avoid this, stay away from things like the bathtub, hot tubs, and swimming pools until your body is completely healed. If you want the pain relief that a hot soak would provide, then opt for a gentle massage instead to get rid of built-up tension.

So, if you want to explore your own options for lipo abdomen in Los Angeles, then the best thing to do is head over to the Venice Beach Surgical Center website for more information. Led by the talented Dr. Rojas, the center is your best local option for expert cosmetic procedures. We very much look forward to being able to assist you with your requests.

Which Is Safer? Liposuction Or Vaser Lipo In Los Angeles?

For decades now, the world of cosmetic surgery has been able to assist those who want and need to rid themselves of excess body fat in important areas of their body. Though liposuction procedures were once something seen to be reserved for the rich and famous, the advancements in technology and availability have made it a much more accessible option to anyone struggling with their body image and confidence. As the field has matured, two kinds of surgery have come to the front to be considered the best, and they are liposuction and vaser lipo. So, what is the difference between the two, and which is considered to be safer? Let’s take a closer look at liposuction and vaser lipo in Los Angeles.

What Is The Difference?

So, first of all, what is the difference between liposuction and vaser liposuction? Traditional liposuction is the form that you will probably be more familiar with, and it involves the use of a cannula in a back and forth motion to dislodge fat cells in the body before removing them using suction. Vaser lipo, on the other hand, is what is called ultrasound-assisted liposuction. It uses an extra step in the process that liquefies the fat cells before they are suctioned from the body.

Which Is Safer?
         1. Though the consensus is that both traditional and vaser lipo is both very safe and very tried and tested procedures at this point in the cosmetic surgery landscape, there are some differences in patient experience that might persuade someone to opt for one over the other.

         2. If money and budget are of no concern to you, then modern experts will all probably state the vaser lipo is the way to go, for many reasons:

         3. The liquefaction of fat cells that the ultrasound portion of the procedure provides means that the removal becomes a much less invasive and intensive experience.

         4. Whilst traditional liposuction requires slightly more forceful motion to get to the fat cells on more stubborn areas of the body, vaser liquefies everything before the invasive part of the procedure is even taking place. What this results in is a much less rigorous task, and this will leave the patient feeling much better during their recovery period.

         5. On average, people who opt for vaser lipo over traditional lipo have much less swelling, tenderness, and pain after the procedure is complete. The more gentle nature of the vaser ultrasound technique means that you can cut a lot of time off of your initial recovery period. Less motion under the skin also reduced the risk of things like nerve damage and tissue trauma.

So, if you have made your mind up either way and want to explore liposuction or vaser lipo in Los Angeles, then head over to the Venice Beach Surgical Center website for all of the information that you need and more. You will be introduced to the experienced Dr. Rojas who is a respected expert in the field. We very much look forward to being able to help!

Is A Cosmetic Surgeon Near Me Better Than Going Abroad?

 It would be fair to say that in 2021, cosmetic surgery has never been more available and accessible to people around the world than it is today. Once upon a time, cosmetic procedures felt like something that was reserved solely for the rich and famous, but that certainly isn’t the case right now. The world of cosmetic surgery has become so approachable to the masses that the question of work has gone from ‘can I find a cosmetic surgeon near me?’ to ‘which cosmetic surgeon shall I visit in the world?’

For many, the option of traveling abroad to attain a cheaper cosmetic procedure than in their home country has become a realistic option, but is it an option that is recommended? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why we don’t think this is a good idea.

Fewer Regulations
One of the leading issues with traveling abroad to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure is that the country you are visiting might not be held to the same kinds of regulations as your home country, therefore making the surgery much cheaper. Everybody loves to grab a bargain, but you need to question why that bargain is there in the first place. It isn’t always a case of the exchange rate, it is also a case of the surgeons not being held to the same high standards, resulting in a lesser quality experience.

Impossible Aftercare
Even if your foreign procedure goes well on the day and you return home happy, you are left in an awkward position if any issues were to arise in the aftermath. With an officially licensed local surgery, you will be provided with extensive aftercare that is covered in the cost of the procedure, but many foreign surgeries either won’t offer this level of aftercare or will simply be too far away from your location to be of any help. You need to weigh up the pros and cons of getting a cheaper procedure but then not necessarily being able to get the aftercare that you need.

Better Research
When considering a cosmetic surgeon that is more local to you, the facts are that you will be able to do a lot more research on the surgery to establish a better idea of its reputation and quality. On the other hand, when all you are looking at is a website for somewhere abroad, you can never be certain that the advertising and testimonials are valid. It’s much harder to make a quick exploratory visit when something like a plane ride is required.

So, if you would rather stick to the ‘cosmetic surgeon near me’ option after reading this, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Centre. A true expert in his field with years of experience, there isn’t another surgeon in the world that we would recommend above him, and you don’t even have to go abroad to get the benefit of his talents!

What Is Included In A Mommy Makeover In Los Angeles?

Though we truly believe that all bodies are beautiful bodies in their own right, that doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with deciding to undertake changes in your own body and appearance, no matter how big or small! The great thing about modern plastic surgery is that it is more accessible and safer today than it has ever been, with one of the most popular series of procedures in recent years being those that make up the ‘mommy makeover. This is the collective term given to all the different surgeries and procedures that a woman of a certain age who has had children might want to explore. To get a better idea of what we are talking about, here is what can usually be included in a mommy makeover in Los Angeles.

Essentially, a mommy makeover is made up of all of the procedures that you might associate with a woman’s body that has started to experience the visible effects of aging. These include:

As we age it becomes more difficult to shift those extra few pesky pounds, especially around the middle section of the body. Liposuction is a simple and accessible way to rid yourself of that body fat that just doesn’t seem to want to shift via diet and exercise. In terms of body confidence, just losing a couple of inches and flattening out certain areas can make a world of difference. This can be performed on several different areas including the tummy, the thighs, and the back of the legs.

You can think of an abdominoplasty as something similar to a facelift, but for your tummy area. Anyone who has given birth to a child will know that there is a difference in the elasticity of your skin in that area, and whilst the tradeoff is worth it to become a mother, it doesn’t mean that you have to live with it if it makes you unhappy!

Breast Augmentation
The act of breastfeeding combined with general aging can result in sagging and loss of volume. Surgery on this area of the body is one of the most common cosmetic procedures not only in Los Angeles but the world, and a mommy makeover concentrates more on rejuvenating the volume that might have been lost. You don’t have to be an aspiring supermodel to undergo the process of any kind of breast augmentation, it is a procedure for everyone!

So, if you are interested in any of the elements that make a mommy makeover in Los Angeles, then the next thing to do is find a reputable surgeon to make an appointment. Lucky for you, we have just the guy! Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Centre is an expert in his field, with years of experience in any procedure that you might have your set on. Don’t hesitate to get in touch, start your journey to better body confidence as soon as possible!

Types Of Lip Injections Near Me

If you’re searching for “lip injections near me,” chances are that you’re not happy with the way yours look. Injections are a popular choice for plumping thin lips and creating an asymmetrical look on your face. If you’ve done any research, you know that there are several types of lip injections, which means it’s important to make the right choice for your needs. Venice Beach Surgical Center specializes in cosmetic procedures and we’re here to help. Here are your options.

Lip Fillers

Fillers are a non-surgical treatment that can be used on both the upper and lower lips. They’re designed to plump the lips and create a matching and symmetrical look between the top and bottom lip. They’re also great for smoothing lines and wrinkles around the mouth. There are many kinds of fillers to choose from, including Juvederm and Restylane. These fillers are generally made with hyaluronic acid, which can be injected into the lips and manipulated to create the plumped-up look you’re looking for. Some injections contain lidocaine, which can reduce the discomfort you might feel during the procedure. We can help you determine which is best for your lips. The procedure involves having the fillers injected into various points on your lips, using a thin needle. The treatment takes under an hour and the results last for up to eight months before needing to be repeated. Lip fillers won’t require any downtime and you can return to your normal routine as soon as the procedure is finished.

Lip Implants
If you’re looking for a permanent form of lip augmentation, lip implants may be right for you. This is a surgical procedure that is done under local anesthesia. Small incisions are made in the corners of the lips and a curved clamp device is used to make a small tunnel in the lip. The implant is then inserted into the tunnel and adjusted for the best look. The incisions are closed with sutures once the implants are properly placed. The entire process takes about 30 minutes and you can go home as soon as it’s complete. You may experience a bit of pain and swelling, but side effects tend to be minimal.

Benefits of Lip Injections
In addition to knowing what type of lip injections there are, it’s also a good idea to understand what you can expect from the procedure. There are many benefits that you can take advantage of. Today’s injections make it easy to control volume so you get the results you want without a dramatic difference. There’s also a minimal risk of bruising and bumps with the newest lip augmentation options. Fillers can be used gradually so that you can work your way to the results you want without going all-in right away.

How to Find Lip Injections Near Me
If you want to pursue lip injections, it’s important to find a reputable and experienced surgeon to carry out the procedure. Here at Venice Beach Surgical Center, we want to help you get the lips you want to see when you look in the mirror. If you’re ready to get started, call us today and set up your free consultation. We can’t wait to see you!

10 Most Important Things To Know About Lipo In Los Angeles

Lipo in Los Angeles is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat and help you get the body you want. Of course, a healthy diet and plenty of physical activity are important for getting a sleek physique, but liposuction can help get rid of stubborn fat from various parts of your body. Venice Beach Surgical Center specializes in liposuction and here are some of the most important things you should know about it.

1. It’s Not for Weight Loss
Liposuction isn’t a weight-loss tool. While it can certainly help you slim certain parts of the body, it isn’t a magical way to lose excess weight. Lipo works best when combined with a healthy diet and exercise program.

2. It’s Ideal for the Whole Body
Many people associate liposuction with the stomach and thighs, but it’s also an effective choice for fat removal for most of the rest of the body. That includes the buttocks, upper arms, knees, chin, and hips.

3. You Want an Experienced Surgeon
Undergoing liposuction successfully means finding the right surgeon. Look for one who is licensed and experienced in the procedure. This ensures that you get the results you want.

4. Choose from Surgical and Non-Surgical Liposuction
Traditional liposuction is a surgical procedure. However, Vaser liposuction is a new version of the treatment that uses ultrasound technology to destroy fat cells so they can be removed from the body.

5. You’ll Experience Minimal Scarring
One of the great things about liposuction is that the incisions tend to be small so you won’t see dramatic scarring as they heal. Most scars are just a few millimeters and fade within a couple of months.

6. It Won’t Change Your Metabolism
There’s no evidence that liposuction will speed your metabolism. However, the results may give you the motivation to make healthy eating and exercise choices, which can influence your metabolism.

7. Liposuction Isn’t For Everyone
The right candidate for liposuction is someone who has a BMI under 30 and generally follows a healthy lifestyle.

8. There’s a Bit of Downtime
Bruising and swelling are common side effects of liposuction. A few days to a week of downtime is recommended after the procedure for the best results.

9. It Requires a Healthy Lifestyle
There’s no point in getting liposuction if you’re not going to make healthy choices afterward. You’ll get the best results if you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet to maintain fat loss.

10. You Won’t See Immediate Results
The final results of liposuction aren’t evident for up to four weeks after the procedure. The results will continue to improve for up to three months after liposuction.

Getting Liposuction in Los Angeles
Now that you have a better idea of what to expect from lipo in Los Angeles, you may be ready to pursue the treatment. It’s not something to choose spontaneously and you should give some thought to it before making a decision. Learning as much as you can about liposuction is vital. When you’re ready to move ahead, call Venice Beach Surgical Center to set up your free consultation.